Saturday, 25 August 2012

Who said we need sheep?

I brought four White Suffolk sheep (ewes) for lambing and milk. One is crazy and has escaped twice, I'm telling you they keep you fit.
Round up

Select four

Chosen few

A quick crutch

A quick drench

Road trip

Natural instinct from Bruti

Round up

One lap

Two laps


Chook house construction

 No design, just a wing it approach to the whole project from a conceptual sketch. Egg collection hatch is from the outside so you don't need to get into the pen, this make it easier to clean. chicken wire to 1800mm high and laid on the ground out from the fence line by 400mm, this should stop Mr. Fox from digging under the fence once the grass grows through the wire. Dowel perches inside and natural timber perches outside, with straw laid inside and out. I chose Isa Browns for their reliable laying and the fact they were the only breed I could buy at the time, given the cold weather. Started with four and then two more, all except one are laying an egg each day.

They all have personalities and are quite friendly.